Perinatal Therapy in Duluth, Minnesota

It sucks to even be on this page.

To be looking for help, and to be acknowledging that it feels dark, very dark, right now…

and not what you ever expected to feel.

Before birth, after the birth, the loss, the labor, any and all of it, can feel like a dumpster fire of pain. A dumpster you can’t climb out of.

You didn’t sign up to feel this way. This wasn’t your choice. You are allowed to feel like a hot mess and to struggle. Because this is REALLY HARD.

But it doesn’t have to feel this hard forever and there is a way to feel better.

You’re allowed to get support, to heal, to ugly cry with no judgment.

And what if that person in front of you knows exactly how to help you rebuild, to get back to the old you, the new you…any type of you that you want to be.

A soft place to land.

As you start doing this therapy stuff…you find that it actually works and that darkness is going away.

Maybe you even crack a smile at one of your therapist’s witty remarks…and cry with relief at one of the stories they share with you. 

You find yourself feeling a little more like you and a lot less alone

Healing is finally happening as your therapist challenges you and shares new ways of thinking and lets you know it’s ok to feel whatever you’re feeling.

The old you was there all along, and all you needed was a soft place to land.

The Short And Sweet On Perinatal Therapy


Sessions can be up to 60 minutes and you get to have the space to share, cry, and just be how you need to be.


Feel heard as we explore your story, identify the roots of your experience, and use healing techniques that bring relief.


Practice these techniques outside of sessions (you don’t have to be perfect at this) and start feeling lighter.

Work with Kayla

Want some much needed relief on your perinatal journey?